SHIFT's eLearning Blog

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    5 Commandments for Powerful Bite-Sized Learning

    In an era where attention spans are likened to that of goldfish and every second counts, the latest research offers a compelling insight into the future of learning and development. According to a study by the Rapid Learning Institute, a staggering 97% of Learning & Development professionals reported that learners are clamoring for bite-sized, digestible information over traditional 30-minute eLearning modules. Let that sink in—97%. Do you feel a jolt of recognition? It's hard not to. In today's hyper-connected world, the Millennial and Gen Z workforce don't just want, but demand, that information be as accessible as their favorite social media feeds. They're the kings and queens of multitasking, deftly balancing work, social life, and continuous learning—all within the constraints of a 24-hour day. Forget 140 characters; they're capturing the essence of complex ideas in emojis and memes, while on the go. It’s not just a desire but an expectation that learning be delivered to them in snackable, easy-to-consume portions—allowing them to learn at their own pace, in their own space. And the message is loud and clear: If you're not embracing microlearning, you're already lagging in the race for their mindshare. However, proceed with caution and intention. A crucial caveat to remember: Bite-sized learning is NOT simply a truncated traditional course. It's not about cutting corners, but about distilling wisdom.

    The Art of Creating Short, But Effective eLearning Courses

    In recent years, eLearning has undergone a transformation, with a growing emphasis on microlearning. This approach to learning involves breaking down longer courses into shorter, more condensed modules, with the goal of increasing efficiency. Shorter eLearning courses have proven to be less time-consuming and more effective, particularly given that modern learners have less time and shorter attention spans. As organizations have come to realize the benefits of microlearning, they are increasingly adopting this approach as a way to engage employees in just-in-time, bite-sized learning. This shift has been driven by the recognition that it's unrealistic to expect learners to sit through hour-long courses without interruption. Instead, the focus is on delivering shorter bursts of truly productive learning that can be absorbed and retained more easily.

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