You don’t want your learners to leave midway through the course, right? So you have to keep them engaged throughout the entire course. Know their motivations, expectations, fears, and challenges, to think like they do, so you can say what they want to hear. This will help give you the clues on how to connect with them. When you know whom your target learner is you can create eLearning courses that are truly useful and relevant. This means the training isn't a waste of resources.
Also, having a thorough knowledge of your audience before you prepare your eLearning course, will help you to choose the appropriate informational material, figure out the most effective instructional strategy, design an audience-sensitive message, select the right media to transmit the message, and create a learning environment where learners feel supported.
Guidelines for analyzing your audience. DO NOT assume that you know what your learners know because the learners themselves do not know what they know. Use the questions in this template to get into the thinking groove and start designing effective eLearning courses thought with your audience in mind.
Fill the form over to the right to download your free template>>>