Recursos Gratuitos

Conviértete en un profesional de eLearning con estos recursos educativos gratuitos. Aprende sobre una amplia gama de temas de diseño instruccional, capacitación y diseño gráfico.

Guía para principiantes sobre

Diseño Responsive para eLearning

A Crash Course in

Visual Design for eLearning

Recursos necesarios para empezar

a crear un curso eLearning

Las 10 mejores estrategias para

redactar contenidos eLearning

Free eBook: Ideas to Make Dry Content

Interesting in eLearning

How to Create Winning

eLearning Courses

What People Are Saying

The world has become so fast paced that people don’t want to stand by reading a page of information, they would much rather look at a presentation and understand the message

Yulia Petrova
Designer in Google

The world has become so fast paced that people don’t want to stand by reading a page of information, they would much rather look at a presentation and understand the message

Yulia Petrova
Designer in Google

The world has become so fast paced that people don’t want to stand by reading a page of information, they would much rather look at a presentation and understand the message

Yulia Petrova
Designer in Google


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