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Artificial intelligence enables us to develop interactive content easily and quickly. With our proprietary IA technology, automating processes that used to be time-consuming becomes a reality!
SHIFT's artificial intelligence services will allow you to translate your existing videos into over 55 different languages and add voice-over audio to those videos through our TTS neural language engine.
Based on a stock of millions of images, our AI-powered engine will suggest the best images for your content and you can add them in seconds.
Imagine publishing your content with just one click. Powered by Polly of AWS, with SHIFT you can give your content natural storytelling at a fraction of the cost and time it might take in other traditional ways.
From a single content in a particular language to multiple content in more than 55 languages. Translating your content is easier with SHIFT.
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We combine best-in class technology, strategy and future-proof business solutions to bring your content to life, faster!