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Our blog provides the best practices, tips, and inspiration for corporate training, instructional design, eLearning and mLearning.
To visit the Spanish blog, click hereA lot of research actually goes into a well-designed eLearning course. And like it or not, instructional designers have to dig deep into the psychology of learners, specifically how they learn and what affects the learning process.
Anyone seeking to create meaningful and engaging...
Learning has deep roots in our emotions. Plato knew this 2,000...
Unless you have a phenomenal photographic memory, chances...
Malcolm Gladwell, author of ‘Outliers’ says that to truly master...
Want to promote informal learning in your company? Need to keep...
If you have been in the eLearning industry for a while, you know...
10 Seconds. About the time it takes to check your phone “real quick”...
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