SHIFT's eLearning Blog

Our blog provides the best practices, tips, and inspiration for corporate training, instructional design, eLearning and mLearning.

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    6 Knowledge Retention Strategies For More Effective eLearning

    Isn't it curious how the human brain works? We've all been there—grasping for a name or face we just learned last week while vividly recalling a movie character from our childhood. Think about it: those history dates from school vanish like smoke, but...

    Understanding The Difference Between...

    Navigating the realm of workplace learning presents its own set of...

    6 Ways Color Psychology Can Be Used to Design...

    Did you know that a whopping 80% of what we process online is...

    Interactivity in eLearning: Finding the Sweet Spot...

    Let's talk about interactivity. What is it, really? We all have an idea of...

    How to Create an eLearning Course in 12...

    Looking at all the things that are involved in creating an eLearning...

    Hold the Authoring Tool: 5 Things To Do Before...

    When you go into a funhouse or corn maze, there are literally...

    Breathe New Life into Your eLearning Courses: 5...

    At the beginning of their journey, eLearning and online training...

    The Anatomy of a Modern eLearning Course

    Workplace learning used to be different. In the last decades...