SHIFT's eLearning Blog

Our blog provides the best practices, tips, and inspiration for corporate training, instructional design, eLearning and mLearning.

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    In eLearning, Looks Do Matter: 3 Ways to Create Aesthetically Pleasing Courses

    As the cliche goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. People decide what is beautiful in accordance with their own likes and dislikes. However, studies on what we find aesthetically pleasing find that in truth, there is a serious science to making things...

    Happy Students Learn Better! Foster Positive...

    “First there is emotion; after that comes cognition,” said Frank...

    Here's Your Quick Guide to Understanding Adult...

    Everyone learns a little bit differently. Some people excel...

    Four Revealing Facts on How Learners Read On...

    Portable devices are changing the way we read or consume content...

    4 Psychological Triggers That Can Help You Grab...

    The challenges eLearning professionals face daily are many...

    The Transfer of Learning from the Course to the...

    “All the training in the world does not mean a thing, unless there is...

    The Unwritten Rules of Attention-Getting...

    Getting a learner’s attention is a holy grail among instructional...

    10 Enlightening Pearls of Wisdom for eLearning...

    It’s easy to create eLearning content. But to create an...