SHIFT's eLearning Blog

Our blog provides the best practices, tips, and inspiration for corporate training, instructional design, eLearning and mLearning.

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    Improve Learner Engagement by Using Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions

    What do you remember more vividly? The steps of installing a piece of new software on your computer or the episodes from your favorite TV drama? Human beings are more swayed by emotions than by a bunch of hard facts and cold statistics. Our favorite...

    4 Proven Ways to Make Your eLearning Courses...

    Remember those whodunits or the comic books from your school...

    Create Life-Long Learners with Experiential eLearning

    Knowledge vs Experience You may be a wizard with numbers, but...

    A 5 Step-Plan to Create Your Own Scenario-based...

    Fairy tales do a better job of teaching kids the values of...

    Four Questions You Should Ask to Help You Think...

    Creating an eLearning course is a creative process. As an...

    Bringing Sexy Back to Your Compliance eLearning...

    I was at LinkedIn when I came across this post by Paul W...

    31 eLearning Lessons from 2014 to Guide You in 2015

    The year is about to end, and people around seem to have gone...

    Keep eLearning Readable or Don’t Bother Using...

    Recently, we found some powerful words by Carrie Cousins which...