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Our blog provides the best practices, tips, and inspiration for corporate training, instructional design, eLearning and mLearning.
To visit the Spanish blog, click hereWhat works better is usually obvious. But we as humans fall for what’s easy and what’s readily available. This is especially true when it comes to designing learning materials. Course designers and developers continue doing what they’re doing...
In the world of education theory, writers and researchers talk a...
Boring eLearning is a huge problem for learners and instructors alike...
When it comes to eLearning, quality definitely matters. eLearning...
It’s no secret that students learn best when they can set their own...
It’s easy to create eLearning content. But to create an...
The brain is our primary tool for learning. It's seat of thought...
One of the most important things that you will need to do when you...
We combine best-in class technology, strategy and future-proof business solutions to bring your content to life, faster!