SHIFT's eLearning Blog

Our blog provides the best practices, tips, and inspiration for corporate training, instructional design, eLearning and mLearning.

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    Before You Add One More Image to Your eLearning Course, Read This!

    Bad Stock Photos Make for Bad eLearning How often have you gone to a website, looked at the photos, and said “Oh yeah, there are the happy clapping people, and there’s the arrow going into the target, and there’s the thermometer showing...

    If You Confuse Learners, You Lose Them: 4 Steps...

    Well-design courses are worthless if they can't communicate content...

    The Power of White Space to Improve Screen...

    When you began to plan your course, you probably never...

    Making the First Impression Count in eLearning...

    eLearning professionals are often over-confident about a course’s...

    Studies Confirm the Power of Visuals to Engage Your...

    We are now in the age of visual information where visual content...

    • 10 min read
    • Wed, Jul 09, 2014 @ 10:23 AM

    eLearning Start-ups: These Mistakes Will Make You...

    You have most likely mastered the basics of instructional design...

    Infographic: The A to Z Guide to eLearning Design

    Anyone looking to learn more about comprehensive design can read...

    5 Commandments for the Modern eLearning...

    Sure, anyone can design an eLearning course. The question is:...