SHIFT's eLearning Blog

Our blog provides the best practices, tips, and inspiration for corporate training, instructional design, eLearning and mLearning.

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    3 Ideas to Give Your Next eLearning Course Visual Oomph

    What do you think is the first thing people would remember about your eLearning course’s screen, if suddenly asked? It should be no wonder that what they will put design on top of the list. But why does this happen? Although you may think that...

    How to Make Infographics Work for eLearning...

    If you had not been living under the rock (read: away from the...

    Alignment Should Always Be Our Watchword in...

    “The instructional decisions we make will increase the probability...

    More eLearning Design Hacks to Keep Your...

    It is true that we learn design principles from a bunch of...

    eLearning Design Hacks: How to Get Out of a...

    How often have you spent hours staring at a blank screen in front...

    For the Learner's Sake, Make Your Courses More...

    Remember the school days? They were not only about making new...

    Empathy As Your Starting Point for Great eLearning...

    Happy New Year! It is that time of the year when we get busy...

    Making Change Happen: A No-Fail Process to Make...

    Persuasion is an art. Try too hard, and you might be branded as...