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Our blog provides the best practices, tips, and inspiration for corporate training, instructional design, eLearning and mLearning.
To visit the Spanish blog, click hereWe have access to virtually unlimited information at our fingertips these days. Sound instructional design takes all of this information that is whizzing by in all directions and creates structure around it. This structure focuses on concepts...
Your company has just upped the training budget and rolled out a...
64% of students say the ability to access courses on their phones is...
The essential responsibility of every Instructional Designer is to ensure...
Have you ever wondered why Nokia lost the game to Apple? On the...
Elearning has gone from a niche type of teaching for techy...
Benjamin Franklin once said “an investment in knowledge pays the...
When it comes to corporate training, one of the biggest...
We combine best-in class technology, strategy and future-proof business solutions to bring your content to life, faster!