SHIFT's eLearning Blog

Our blog provides the best practices, tips, and inspiration for corporate training, instructional design, eLearning and mLearning.

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    Design Better eLearning Courses: 7 Tips for Success

    The brain is constantly on the lookout for ways to improve by obtaining new knowledge and skills, even before birth. Unfortunately, retaining information can be challenging, simply because instructors and course designers do not always use methods that...

    7 Brainy Ways to Boost Knowledge Retention in...

    We remember the scenes and dialogs from some movies long...

    • 12 min read
    • Sat, Feb 29, 2020 @ 09:00 AM

    Designing eLearning to Maximize the Working...

    The brain is a complicated machine, capable of creating extraordinary...

    The Science of Attention (And Why eLearning...

    Paying attention is a task people take for granted; they rarely stop...

    How the Brain Learns—A Super Simple Explanation...

    In his book, The Art of Changing the Brain, Dr. James Zull , notably...

    8 Brain Research Discoveries Every...

    The human brain is the seat of learning. We know about this...