SHIFT's eLearning Blog

Our blog provides the best practices, tips, and inspiration for corporate training, instructional design, eLearning and mLearning.

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    How to Empower Your Team with AI for eLearning Success

    As leaders in corporate learning and development, one of your biggest challenges is getting your team on board with using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in eLearning. It might seem odd—everyone's buzzing about AI, and some might even be experimenting with it quietly. Yet, in the workplace, despite AI’s potential to streamline tasks, many are hesitant to dive in. So, why the resistance? The reasons vary. According to a McKinsey Global Institute study, while 90% of executives see AI’s potential to boost their company’s performance, over 40% haven’t adopted this technology because they’re not sure how to implement it effectively.

    Golden Rules for Using AI to Supercharge E-Learning Content Development

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the landscape of e-learning course development.

    3 Ways to Leverage Artificial Intelligence for Rapid eLearning Course Creation

    In the digital age we're living in, eLearning has experienced explosive growth in the corporate realm. More and more, companies are recognizing the benefits of implementing online training programs for their employees, as they offer flexibility, accessibility, and efficiency compared to traditional training methods.

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      There's a big problem in the eLearning industry: lots of excitement and rush to use the latest tools, but too often, they don’t work out. In fact, about 74% of eLearning programs don’t hit their marks even though 90% of companies try to implement them. This tells us something important: just chasing after new trends isn't enough. If these tools and ideas aren’t put into practice the right way, they can do more harm than good.

      10 Essential Questions to Ask Before Designing Your eLearning Course

      Launching an eLearning course today is a breeze with AI, we get it. But even with all this slick tech at our fingertips, never forget that the human touch is what really powers eLearning. It’s not just about dumping top-notch content online—it's about crafting a program that truly resonates and hones the skills your team actually needs.