SHIFT's eLearning Blog

Our blog provides the best practices, tips, and inspiration for corporate training, instructional design, eLearning and mLearning.

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    eLearning Evolution - The 3 Biggest Changes in 5 Years and How to Adapt to Them for Success

    Anyone who has been even remotely associated with eLearning over the past decade or so, will definitely have noticed the pace of change the industry has undergone – specifically over the last 5 years or so. From strides made in instructional design methodologies, such as Agile; to richer content integration in eLearning modules, such as video-on-demand and virtual reality, the industry has evolved at a tremendous pace. Let’s take a look at three of the biggest changes in eLearning, and understand how we can successfully adapt to provide eLearners a richer learning experience.

    Glide Your Learners Down The Persuasion Slide

    When you are developing an eLearning course, you don’t typically think about persuading your audience. But, persuasion is not only for marketing and sales professionals, it can also be used in eLearning design! Facts and concepts alone won’t significantly change the way your learners think, do, and feel. The trick is to get to know and apply the most effective persuasive strategies to move your audience’s intention into a desired behavior change or action. You have to carefully choose every element on the screen to do all the coaxing, cajoling, imploring, and pleading to engage and persuade your learners to do something new.

    6 Signs Your Company Needs eLearning

    In today’s world, companies invest in learning and development of their workforce through different types of training. But there are two important types we are going to mention in this article. One – the classroom training led by an instructor and the other is eLearning, which is deeply connected with technology and is gaining momentum in organizations all over the world. While in-person training isn't going away anytime soon, eLearning is steadily gaining ground. But, how do you know your company needs eLearning? Let's take a look at six signs:

    4 Ideas to Make Dry Content Interesting in eLearning

    Let's be real - as eLearning developers, we know that creating eLearning courses on topics like finance, safety training, ethics, and pharmaceutical compliance can be a real drag. The jargon-filled content can feel dry and uninspiring, and it's our responsibility to make it engaging and interesting for learners.

    Learning Experience Design: An Overview and 11 of the Best Resources

    Human beings respond to experiences and learn from them. As eLearning designers, we need to think beyond modules and training sessions and instead create “experiences” for the learners. We have to get used to the idea that this is the era of the user, and we have to meet their needs. We have to STOP creating lessons that feel right to us. We have to STOP creating courses that are convenient for us to build. We have to focus on the learner experience and create courses that enhance this. And for this, you have to have a feel for Learning Experience Design (LXD).

    The Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting a Content Inventory for eLearning

    As an eLearning content developer, you already have your work cut out for you. Between needs analysis, building learning objectives and managing internal (company-based) and external (consultant) resources, you often wonder when you’ll have time to produce the content required for the course! Well, don’t worry…help is on hand. By following the advice provided below, you’ll not only be able to produce exceptional eLearning courses in record time, but you’ll also come in well within your budget. All you need to do is get organized!

    7 most useful e-learning tips for 2017

    E-learning is big business, and it’s only going to continue being popular as time goes on and we shift into more digital lifestyles. If you want your e-learning program in your company to succeed, you need to make sure that it is up to date with current standards. These important tips will help you to do that in 2017.

    Use This Universal Model to Organize Your eLearning Course

    Teachers create lesson plans in school. These are detailed documents containing what the teacher intends to teach during the session (the topics), how she plans to go about it (the methods and procedures), and how students would be evaluated at the end of the learning period (homework and assignments). Every business has a well-defined plan to move forward too. It details the business goals and their deadlines, the strategies that have to be implemented to reach the desired numbers, and the methods to use to evaluate the efforts.

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