Our blog provides the best practices, tips, and inspiration for corporate training, instructional design, eLearning and mLearning.
To visit the Spanish blog, click hereLooking at websites of some of the biggest companies in the world (think Apple and Google), you’ll see they’ve come a long way regarding web and graphic design. From the days of cramming in as much content as possible, we’ve entered an era where every line, image, color, and call-to-action is well researched and tested to grab your attention, keep you engaged and make you take action.
So, you have completed your eLearning course or module, and you are ready for learners to begin learning from it. Does this mean that you can move onto the next project and forget about the existing one? Absolutely not! If you think of eLearning Designers as project managers, you begin to see that there are specific ways in which to interact with already created courses. There are essential questions to ask, features to check, and maintenance windows to update in any existing course.
Every job position should be viewed in its entirety, from the hiring process to retirement (or resignation/firing). Organizations must provide the circumstances and resources necessary to develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities of their employees every step of the way. This point of view helps organizations set their employees up for success, and has the added benefit of improving employee retention and engagement.
If you could change just one thing about your company that would increase employee productivity by over 200%, would you do it? Yes, of course, you would! But you’re probably thinking that such a change would be infeasible or incredibly complicated in order to have that kind of impact, right? You would be mistaken. It turns out, all you need to do is more of what you’re already doing: training and developing your employees.
The role of the SME is often not given enough importance – but the fact is that without a good SME who can work with you to effectively convey the content that is needed, your eLearning module is doomed!
SUMMARY: Although originally developed back in 1970 at Gordon Training International, the Conscious Competence Ladder (or more simply the Four Stages of Learning) is still relevant today. It’s a great tool to use with recruits and existing employees who are learning new skills, to take them from “good” to “great.”
From the learners’ perspective, macro learning involves a larger time commitment, a focus on specified learning objectives, and is often used when choosing to engage with content that is largely unfamiliar. In contrast, microlearning is something that can be done on your phone, in the subway on the way to work. It is quick and focuses on specific pieces of information or skills. eLearning professionals are currently grappling with these two types of learning as if they are not interrelated. However, an effective strategy embraces microlearning within the broader paradigm of the system in which it occurs.
A lot has changed with the advent of the World Wide Web in general, and smartphones in particular. We now each have access to a mini-supercomputer in our pocket, with a vast potential for learning. This technology and the wealth of information it can provide by linking to the Internet has fundamentally changed the nature of education and training. Is it any wonder that learners can’t stay focused when the course being offered is a series of PowerPoint slides, delivered by an instructor in a darkened room? Something has got to change. And it’s not going to be the learners. It must be the fundamental nature of the training itself.
We combine best-in class technology, strategy and future-proof business solutions to bring your content to life, faster!