SHIFT's eLearning Blog

Our blog provides the best practices, tips, and inspiration for corporate training, instructional design, eLearning and mLearning.

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    The Key Components of a Learner-Friendly eLearning Course

    It's so easy to assume the content is all that matters in an eLearning course. But, how information is presented affects its effectiveness. The design, for instance, influences how students interact with information. Think about one of your existing eLearning course designs: Is it too cluttered? Or is it designed to properly guide learners toward clear goals?

    • 7 min read
    • Wed, Sep 22, 2021 @ 05:55 PM

    How Usable is Your eLearning Course? Follow the 5 E’s For Best Results

    Usability applies to any user interface, from a door handle to an airplane cockpit - or an eLearning course. It means, simply, how easy it is for users to get what they need out of the device. How usable your eLearning course is, is one of the most important factors that make or break your entire program. Usability is so critical in eLearning because every minute students spend learning to use the software is a minute out of their time spent learning the content. What is Usability? Usability is a measure of how well a specific user in a specific context can use a product/design to achieve a defined goal effectively, efficiently and satisfactorily. If you are in the middle or just starting an eLearning course, before you go any further, ask yourself if you have covered the 5 E's of usability. Use these as guidelines or standards to make sure your course is as easy to use as you can make it.

    • 8 min read
    • Wed, Sep 08, 2021 @ 04:44 PM

    Attention-Grabbing Tricks for Effective eLearning Course Design

    So, you’re at your desk, cruising the Internet, and suddenly a random ad flashes on your screen, totally catching your attention. So much that you’re inclined to click on it to learn more. It’s happened to all of us many times before. And despite continually blowing off ads, when they lure us in, most of us will admit, “That was good!” as we click for more. When was the last time someone caught your attention in a second? It’s not that easy nowadays, but creating attention-grabbing eLearning content can be an easy task by applying some proven tricks.

    • 13 min read
    • Fri, Sep 03, 2021 @ 09:17 AM

    5 Essential Tips If You've Just Started Creating Your First eLearning Course

    Though building an eLearning course isn’t necessarily an easy task the first time around, it doesn’t have to be a frustrating experience. Like most things in life, creating your first course simply requires structure and a little know-how. If you’re here, you are probably a beginner and eager to learn more about how to create effective eLearning courses. In an attempt to make your journey easier, we’ve compiled five essential tips to help diffuse the drama around successful eLearning development.

    • 12 min read
    • Sat, Aug 21, 2021 @ 09:00 AM

    A Template to Carry Out an eLearning Audience Analysis

    Understanding the target audience is one of the cardinal rules of effective eLearning development. Knowing your learners helps you to shape your message in a way that's most likely to resonate with them. Also, having a thorough knowledge of your audience before you prepare your course, will help you to choose the appropriate informational material, figure out the most effective instructional strategy, design an audience-sensitive message, select the right media to transmit the message, and create a learning environment where learners feel supported.

    • 11 min read
    • Fri, Jul 09, 2021 @ 12:08 PM

    Instructional Designers: Understand The Role of Emotions in Learning

    Learning has deep roots in our emotions. Plato knew this 2,000 years ago, but it is only recently that neuroscientists have discovered conclusive evidence to support this premise. Science all along knew that emotions are triggered after the brain processes the information it receives. (We knew this too, from experience.) Now a revolutionary study by Dr. Shlomo Wagner of the University of Haifa has proven that a person’s emotional state directly influences how his/her brain processes information. Emotions are either pleasant (positive) or unpleasant (negative). When a person experiences positive emotions, the person learns well. When the person experiences negative emotions, the learning is not so effective. According to Dr. Wagner, the brain responds differently to different emotions.

    • 10 min read
    • Wed, Jul 07, 2021 @ 11:15 AM

    Big Data: What Is It, Why It Matters and How To Use It In eLearning

    Traditional LMS's are a major limitation on the amount of data to be analyzed for decision-making. However, thanks to technological advances, companies now have a unique opportunity to improve their eLearning programs and the learning experience of their employees. Enter the world of Big Data. The use of Big Data allows you to get an unparalleled perspective on the performance of each employee, their difficulties, and what attracts them most, among other things. In this article we will explain what Big Data is, what its benefits are, and how it can be used in eLearning, to maximize the impact of your training programs.

    • 9 min read
    • Sun, Jul 04, 2021 @ 09:14 AM

    Attention-Grabbing eLearning Design: 5 Techniques You Should Try

    Unless you have a phenomenal photographic memory, chances are you struggle to remember things and wonder how you can make information stick better. The answer? PAY ATTENTION! When you pay attention, you are far more likely to retain that information. This also applies to the learners you design eLearning courses for. Effective eLearning course design starts with understanding the science of attention. Neglecting this important step makes the difference between learner’s remembering your content for a few minutes, hours, or a lifetime. Try some of these techniques for getting learners’ attention from the get-go:

    • 12 min read
    • Thu, Jun 24, 2021 @ 09:19 AM