SHIFT's eLearning Blog

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    Transform Your Outdated eLearning Courses with These 6 Tips

    Sometimes it feels like your eLearning courses haven't been updated since the 90s. Often, your courses look remarkably similar to the ones you made five years ago. This sense of timelessness can easily bore your learners and actually take away from the impact of the course content. How can you make your eLearning courses more innovative? How can you adapt them to modern learners' needs and spice them up? Most importantly, how can you redesign them and create transformative experiences that actually engage your learners? Continue reading!

    Interactivity in eLearning: Finding the Sweet Spot with 4 Key Questions

    Let's talk about interactivity. What is it, really? We all have an idea of what it means, but putting it into words is no easy feat, right? From an academic standpoint, interactivity is defined as "a mutual action between a learner, learning system, and material". Makes sense, doesn't it? It's been proven time and time again that interactivity has a strong, positive impact on learning (Bosco 1986; Fletcher 1989; 1990; Stanford; 1990). In fact, one study by Bosco (1986) reviewed 75 studies and found that interactive media not only helped people learn faster but also improved their attitude toward learning. So, you might then think, that more interactivity must be better, right? Well, not necessarily. There's a fine line between a richly interactive eLearning course and one that overwhelms learners with endless hurdles and challenges. Just like chocolate, wine, and Netflix series, interactivity is best enjoyed in moderation.

    The Complete Checklist for the Perfect eLearning Course Design

    We have been designing eLearning for quite some time now, but this blog post from Canva made us realize that great design is actually simple to create if you follow a few rules. So we thought we will spill the beans and let the world (the other eLearning designers who are still fumbling with the rules of the game) know about the 9 essential design tactics that will magically transform ho-hum eLearning courses into scintillating works without compromising on instructional effectiveness.

    5 Golden Rules to Follow for Successful e-Learning Programs

    eLearning is the ideal training solution for your company...if implemented correctly. Employees love it for the flexibility it offers, while organizations like that it is cost-effective, customizable, and scalable. However, many companies try it and fail. Why? Frequently, it is because they did not do enough audience needs analysis or did not create a strategic plan before implementing the program. It can also be because they did not define their objectives or never talked to the workers before demanding they train online. If you are considering launching your first eLearning course (or the next one), there are five golden rules you must know if you want to succeed.

    5 Ways To Optimize Your eLearning Courses And Maximize Learner Engagement

    Do you remember the excitement when the iPhone was first launched? Everyone was thrilled and curious about the possibilities it offered. And the most natural follow-up question was, “How can we make it even better?” That’s the same attitude eLearning professionals have when it comes to their courses. As eLearning continues to grow in popularity, the competition to capture learners' attention is fierce. Creating a course and uploading it to an LMS is not enough to keep learners engaged and motivated to complete it. That's why optimizing eLearning courses has become a top priority for eLearning professionals.

    Revolutionizing Workplace Learning: Creating an Effective Upskilling Plan

    This year, Organizational Learning departments are facing a crucial challenge: closing the widening skills gap in the current workforce. The good news is that this challenge comes with a great opportunity: Upskilling, a practice that has become one of the most important for companies. Upskilling not only helps retain qualified employees but also helps keep them motivated and up-to-date to face an increasingly changing environment. If you're interested in learning more about how this tool can help your organization succeed, keep reading.

    The True Cost of Not Providing Employee Training

    Ignoring the training and development of your employees can lead to decreased productivity, higher turnover rates, and a negative impact on morale. Not only does this result in increased hiring and training costs, but it also limits the potential growth of your employees and the company as a whole. The cost of not investing in the growth and development of your employees far outweighs the cost of providing training opportunities." It's important for managers to understand that employees are not disposable and that investing in their growth and development is crucial to the success of the organization. Providing opportunities for professional development, training programs, and regular feedback and coaching can help employees become more skilled and confident in their roles. This not only leads to increased productivity, but it also boosts employee satisfaction and engagement, which can improve employee retention and reduce turnover rates. In the long run, investing in employee development will save companies time, money, and resources, and ultimately contribute to the overall success and growth of the organization. So, next time you're faced with the decision to "throw out the lamp" or invest in the growth of an existing employee, remember that fixing the bulb is not only more cost-effective but also leads to a brighter future for both the employee and the organization.

    Key Questions For Choosing The Right e-Learning Platform For Your Company

    The implementation of an e-learning platform can be an excellent investment for the growth and development of the company and its employees. However, choosing the right solution can be a challenge for HR directors and learning leaders.

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