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    September's Updates in SHIFT

    Six New Menus

    The six new automatic menus that have been added to SHIFT will let you present your course´s structure un a quick and easy way by simply clicking on a button.

    eLearning menu  eLearning menus 

    You can choose from a wide variety of interfaces the one that suits your course´s content best.

    These menus where created around topics like: technology, preserving the environment and economics, with different shades of green, blue and gray which you can customize to fit your company´s branding.

    Screen Report

    The new screen report added to SHIFT will let you know which interfaces were added to each course and the person who added them.

    This new feature also lets you see the different courses created and the amount of screens each course has in a particular period of time.

    The report is called "Created screens" and it can only be viewed by a user with an admin permit.

    Other Updates

    Updates on screen p63

    The Common Game Engine or p63 will now display the instructions set out for each of the games in Portuguese. Also it will display text with bold format. The thumbnails and samples for all the games have been updated as well in order to show a better description of the interaction that the user wishes to select.

    Change in screen p31_45

    The button labeled "Text" displayed in the lower right corner of this screen has been moved to the lower left corner. This is due to the fact that the button was cut out whenever certain image formats where used.

    Modifications to the Script

    The instructions for each of the questions added to the Choice with image screen or p23 will now be seen in the course´s script.

    Adjustments to the Scenario Builder

    All audio notes inside the Scenario Builder screen (p77) have been updated in order to record the changes performed to this particular field. Also the movement of the character´s mouth has been corrected so that it stops moving its lips whenever the user presses the pause button.
    Karla Gutierrez
    Karla Gutierrez
    Karla is an Inbound Marketer @Aura Interactiva, the developers of SHIFT. ES:Karla is an Inbound Marketer @Aura Interactiva, the developers of SHIFT.

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