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    Join us in Las Vegas, ASTD TechKnowledge 2012

    eLearning We are thrilled to be exhibiting at the upcoming ASTD Techknowledge 2012 in Las Vegas January 25- 27.

    ASTD (American Society for Training & Development) is the world’s largest association dedicated to workplace learning and performance professionals. ASTD’s members come from more than 100 countries and connect locally in more than 130 U.S. chapters and with more than 30 international partners. Members work in thousands of organizations of all sizes, in government, as independent consultants, and suppliers.

    ASTD TechKnowledge 2012 will welcome more than 1,200 people who focus their daily attention on the design and delivery, management and strategy of technology and learning. Attendees will come together alongside 70 exhibitors in the learning technology space to learn, network, and move people forward through the application of learning and technology.

    We invite you to join us at booth #303 and learn how the latest updates to SHIFT can benefit you, demo new products, and course – meet the members of the SHIFTteam!

    Also come and discover our on-site promotions!

    Please register here. You will be instructed to enter a unique invitation number, which is: 2883.

    We look forward to seeing you!

    Karla Gutierrez
    Karla Gutierrez
    Karla is an Inbound Marketer @Aura Interactiva, the developers of SHIFT. ES:Karla is an Inbound Marketer @Aura Interactiva, the developers of SHIFT.

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