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    Key success factors for eLearning implementation resulting from proper planning

    Author: Andrea Cruz, Implementation and Support Manager

    Some of the activities we suggest for a successful eLearning strategy implementation include:

    1. Corporate objective training: the implementation should have clear objectives, but they should be aligned with corporate objectives. Otherwise, the eLearning project could become an isolated effort, and achieving expected results would be impossible. This could even wipe out the project in the early stages

    2.Corporate culture training: the organizational culture should be considered because it can be modified as a result of change, and employees could miss benefits and care provided by traditional methods. It is important to keep users posted on the new benefits resulting from eLearning and develop a contingency plan in case of change resistance.

    3.Management or department levels in charge of user training: getting management involved in the training makes it easy to achieve greater employee commitment. Moreover, it is part of an overall planning that if it maintains a good communication with organizational objectives, it will become a more difficult chain to be broken.

    4.Start training with firm leaders: (remember that leaders are not necessarily linked to positions but to their personality and characteristics since they are natural leaders followed by their colleagues). Preferably, these leaders should not belong to the training department.

    5.Easy training access: occasionally, technological investment is needed to provide the organization with adequate training infrastructure and offer the best access to students.

    6.Policies and Procedures: defining project boundaries, guidelines, and scope is related to the definition of policies and procedures used in training development.

    7.Training on competencies and partner personal development: using eLearning training for the benefit of employee competencies and real needs helps the user enjoy the use of a new method,

    8.eLearning internal marketing: depending on the organization, it is necessary to use different ways of marketing the methodology, especially when it is something new. eLearning marketing helps to create expectations about the training, motivate, and provide information on the topic.

    9. Follow-up: Methodology use and acceptance should be evaluated. Moreover, there should be an assessment to determine whether users are transferring the knowledge resulting from the training to their jobs.

    10.Recognition: it can be part of the methodology marketing, but it is important for the employee to feel motivated and be recognized as a result of the training. The recognition could be group-based, i.e., departmental, as to create healthy competition within the organization.
    Karla Gutierrez
    Karla Gutierrez
    Karla is an Inbound Marketer @Aura Interactiva, the developers of SHIFT. ES:Karla is an Inbound Marketer @Aura Interactiva, the developers of SHIFT.

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