Our blog provides the best practices, tips, and inspiration for corporate training, instructional design, eLearning and mLearning.
To visit the Spanish blog, click hereeLearning Specialist Nina Antonakes tried SHIFT -- and liked it! Here she discusses her experience.
We spend a lot of time supporting our customers when they're working on their initial projects for SH!FT, so we can see a lot of transformations taking place, especially in terms of how they think about publishing learning content across the organization, and how to take advantages of some real time-saving techniques. While a lot of change management purists and life coaches might espouse the approach "change one thing at a time", I'm inclined to suggest that if you are going to make change to the tools you use to build e-learning content, you should also include a change to the processes you use to make the build happen. If you're already working in a rapid e-learning framework what we're suggesting here isn't necessarily new because you're already thinking about some more rapid approaches to development, but a lot of folks - not all of them, but a sizeable contingent - are still using the tried & true standby of "ADDIE" when it comes to developing e-learning content. While I won't engage in a detailed criticism of ADDIE here (a Google search of "Criticisms of ADDIE" will yield substantial results), the simple fact of the matter is that the waterfall/cascade nature of ADDIE is too linear and non-scalable for the kinds of volume demands we frequently face in e-learning content development. Although we're certainly strong advocates for SH!FT and the concept of rapid e-learning development, you won't realize the advantage of the platform unless you're making an equally strong commitment to adapting your processes as well. We compare the linear approach of ADDIE with the concurrent activity model known as Rapid Prototyping.
If you are going to the ASTD Technology Show in Las Vegas January 27-29, come and drop by our booth to visit the "SHIFTers" to see what it is all about. Chat to us about the following: - How to build courses in record time without the use of professional developers - Our ever-expanding library of interactions that you can just plug, play and make your own - Our unique "push-button RFP process" If you have a course that you are working on, we can start building one together right away at no charge (the first 5 screens are free for qualified participants). Hope to see you there!
We combine best-in class technology, strategy and future-proof business solutions to bring your content to life, faster!