SHIFT's eLearning Blog

Our blog provides the best practices, tips, and inspiration for corporate training, instructional design, eLearning and mLearning.

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    Karla Gutierrez

    Karla Gutierrez

    Karla is an Inbound Marketer @Aura Interactiva, the developers of SHIFT. ES:Karla is an Inbound Marketer @Aura Interactiva, the developers of SHIFT.

    Recent Posts:

    A Quick Look at The What, Why and How of eLearning Scenarios

    The eLearning industry is constantly searching for new strategies and interactive tools to maintain the learner’s attention and interest. As a result simulations and scenarios have emerged ... Who has not heard about scenario-based eLearning?

    The Role of an eLearning Project Leader

    The successful implementation of e-Learning strategies depends on careful planning and the execution of a virtual training plan. The smooth execution of this plan requires a committed team, led by a project manager determined to achieving all the e-Learning goals proposed.

    5 Tips for Beating Boring eLearning

    The promise of eLearning for many students is the chance to engage in a "classroom" like never before. Every seat is in the front, and the dynamic eLearning space has the potential for some of the most engaging curriculum and learning experiences students have ever experienced. So why are many eLearning environments so boring?

    The Traditional Concept of eLearning ROI is Gone!

    Examining eLearning ROI from Different Perspectives It's a fact that eLearning is an ongoing process that impacts the entire company, not just an independent business unit. Today, more than ever, investing in eLearning is the key for entering the e-business environment.

    How To: Easily Create Interactive eLearning Courses

    Tips to achieve levels 3 and 4 Last week we posted an article about the different interactivity levels involved in eLearning and why choosing the appropiate one is so important. Certainly, a smart use of interactivity is a great strategy to engage learners. So, if you actually want learning to be effective, then spending more time creating interactive courses is the best investment you can make. If you are of the ones who thinks that it costs too much to create interactive eLearning programs, here we give you some ideas that will prove you wrong.

    5 Steps to Improve Your Decision-Making Process on eLearning Projects

    Most experienced project managers follow the same 5 steps when making decisions in order to keep their projects on track, under budget and deliver successful results. These 5 steps apply to any kind of projects but how do they relate to eLearning development projects?

    Levels of Interactivity in eLearning: Which one do you need?

    If you are using eLearning resources, planning to develop or just interested in this type of training, you should know that eLearning courses can be classified according to the level of interactivity offered.

    Quick Take: 8 key points that will make the difference in your eLearning

    In this article, you'll learn...How to apply Robert Gagne's Learning Principles in your eLearning for a succesful development. As well, what to include in your eLearning courses for a more interactive, engaging and motivating learning experience.

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