Our blog provides the best practices, tips, and inspiration for corporate training, instructional design, eLearning and mLearning.
To visit the Spanish blog, click hereMany eLearning courses are still so full of features and elements that so many learners hate, we think it's time you take a peek at this list. This twelve elements will work as your guide for what not to do when designing your eLearning courses. So, ready it carefully and make sure you aren't adopting any of these bad practices.
Every day there are hundreds of articles which get published on the Internet on the topic of eLearning and Online Learning. And sometimes keeping up-to-date with all these information becomes very difficult. That's why the experts here at SHIFT have read through many of these articles and picked out some of the best for you to read. It's definitely time you stay up-to-date on best eLearning practices and tips this year.
In today's dynamic environment we know that you, as well as your learners are information overloaded and time poor. That makes time an obstacle to engaging and connecting with your audience. That's why you have to show learners at every step of the way that you respect and value their precious time.
When beginning a new eLearning project, there are a number of important things an eLearning team needs to have: quality learning content, an understanding of the ways learners assimilate information, and the ability to deliver a simple and engaging multimedia learning experience. Another important component of the process is a visual style guide. If a team of designers is working on the eLearning project, a visual style guide is critical in order to insure that the final product has a cohesive, unified, and professional look in keeping with the company's visual style. Because of the strong visual elements in eLearning, switching between layouts and formats is disruptive to the learning experience. This can be prevented by crafting and introducing a style guide for the visual elements in eLearning programs.
Our brains are wired to learn visually. It’s a proven fact backed by science. And it’s an untapped opportunity for eLearning course developers. The problem is not the lack of resources; there are tons of graphics for eLearning available online. The real problem lies in effectively (that is, strategically) selecting resources appropriate to your material. Choosing the right graphics is fundamental because those with no purpose can actually make learning harder.
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