SHIFT's eLearning Blog

Our blog provides the best practices, tips, and inspiration for corporate training, instructional design, eLearning and mLearning.

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    Karla Gutierrez

    Karla Gutierrez

    Karla is an Inbound Marketer @Aura Interactiva, the developers of SHIFT. ES:Karla is an Inbound Marketer @Aura Interactiva, the developers of SHIFT.

    Recent Posts:

    The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Creating Learner Personas

    Successful marketing professionals work diligently to create the ideal customer persona knowing that a deep understanding of a client's needs will help them tailor their message to achieve their desired result. Effective classroom teachers also spend a great deal of time getting to know their students for the same reason, to tailor instruction to achieve proficiency.

    Six Key Ingredients of Learner-centered eLearning Courses

    Several studies revealed, time and again, that a student-centered approach to learning is far more superior than any other methods of instruction. This booklet published by the Cambridge University Press, for instance, found that such approach helps students cultivate a “can do” attitude. It allows for autonomous, active learning. Autonomy, positive psychologist notes, is key to motivation. It’s what makes people wake up in the morning and do the work they love.

    The Building Blocks of Brain-friendly eLearning Courses

    The brain is our primary tool for learning. It's seat of thought, memory, consciousness and emotion. So it only makes sense to explore it before attempting to design instructional materials. By understanding how the learner’s brain functions, course developers are better able to create courses that work with the brain and not contradict it. Remember, you cannot argue with your brain. It follows its own rules. You can force it to do things, say reading a tedious book on a technical subject, but that’s going to be a big challenge. For optimal learning, what your learners need most is brain-friendly content..

    A Simple Guide to User-Friendly eLearning Courses

    One of the most important things that you will need to do when you are designing an eLearning course is to make sure that it is user friendly. It is incredible how many eLearning developers fail to do this. Most times, they worry too much on the content development and lose focus on user friendliness.

    10 Must-Have Tools To Enhance Your eLearning with Graphics

    Visual content is attractive, stimulating, and much more interesting than just text. In eLearning, its an easy way to enhance content. When information is visualized, it can convey ideas simply; besides students these days are increasingly visual learners.

    16 eLearning Quotes to Inspire You [SlideShare]

    For many, the simplest ideas in the form of a short quote can help them think more clearly. That's why we've curated a list of what we think are some of the best eLearning or education quotes. You'll find thoughts from people like Elliot Massie, Dr. Michael Allen, to historical figures like Henry Ford.

    3 Expert-Endorsed Ways to Create Engaging eLearning Courses TODAY

    There are a lot of opinions and thoughts for how to create engaging eLearning courses. That's why we have decided to collect some expert advice to engage learners. We've highlighted tips from top eLearning experts, on strategies you can put into practice very quickly. This post is written considering the latest ebook from the eLearning Guild, 68 Tips for eLearning Engagement and Interactivity, where industry specialists gathered, including Cammy Bean, Sean Bengry, Tom Bunzel, Paul Clothier, Sarah Gilbert, Amy Jokinen, and Kevin Siegel.

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